Work in progress year 1

Quiz about Geel: 

  • Who wants to be a millionaire 

Here (EN) you find the millionaire-quiz (hier in NL)

  • Kahoot
Here (EN) you find the Belgian Kahoot  (hier in NL)

other international KAHOOTS

Our children did some research about Geel

Jobs our parents do, famous people in Geel and typical food
We have done some research about:

  • the jobs our parents do

  • famous people living in Geel
  • typical food/drinks in made in Geel

Here (EN) are the results. (hier in NL)

Languages spoken at home 

Here (EN) are the results (hier in NL)

Geographical and historical facts 

Here (EN) you find a summary (historical facts)  (hier in NL)

Here (EN)  you find a summary (geographical facts)  (hier in NL)

Hobbies children of our school like to play

Here (EN) you find the results of the survey (hier in NL)

Skyping is fun
The past weeks (March-April 2015) we had several Skype-meetings with our partners.
Children had prepared these questions and answers:
  • What´s your name?
  • How old are you?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What´s your favourite sport?
  • What kind of music do you listen to? 

Partnermeeting in Geel

We had a partnermeeting in Geel (February 2015) It was nice to see each other "in real".
We reflected about the progress of the project and made several decisions for the future of the project.
We also had a logoccontest (logo's produced by the children) - Germany won this contest..

The winning logo:

What is CLIL? = parts of subjects are taught through a foreign language.
Children in class 6C have been learning in English some facts about our town Geel.

After the CLIL-lessons we had a students self-evaluation.

Here are the results:
Here you see us at work:

This is our Valentine’s Day video.

Class 2B made it.

Talking via computer with the other partners.

Presenting the partners...